Launch Respondus LockDown Browser by double clicking the icon on your desktop.Close all open programs running on your computer.How do I use Respondus LockDown Browser to take a test?
#What is the respondus lockdown browser install
If Respondus LockDown Browser is not installed on the computer you are using, you may install it. Respondus LockDown Browser is installed on the computers in the campus labs. Is Respondus LockDown Browser installed on the computers in the campus computer labs? Image of the LockDown Browser installation page
#What is the respondus lockdown browser download
When the page opens, you will see download links for both Windows and Mac operating systems. How do I install Respondus LockDown Browser?įollow this title link to install Respondus LockDown Browser for AUM: Respondus LockDown Browser recommends a wired Internet connection rather than wi-fi/wireless connection because the test will freeze/stop responding if there is a break in your connection. It also hides or forces you to close other applications. When you are using Respondus LockDown Browser, it locks down your computer screen, preventing you from seeing anything other than Blackboard. If a Blackboard test requires that Respondus LockDown Browser be used, you will not be able to take the test with a standard web browser. It prevents you from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications during a test. Respondus LockDown Browser is a secure browser used when taking some quizzes and tests in Blackboard. Respondus LockDown Browser What is Respondus LockDown Browser?
1.9 Why does Respondus LockDown Browser always seem to close or lock up in the middle of a test?.1.8 Why must I close other programs before launching Respondus LockDown Browser?.1.7 I lost my Internet connection while taking an exam with Respondus LockDown Browser, what do I do?.1.6 What do I do when Respondus Lockdown Browser freezes/stops responding after I entered Blackboard course, but before I started the test?.1.5 When I open a quiz I get the message: You must complete this assessment in Respondus LockDown Browser.1.4 How do I use Respondus LockDown Browser to take a test?.1.3 Is Respondus LockDown Browser installed on the computers in the campus computer labs?.1.2 How do I install Respondus LockDown Browser?.
1.1 What is Respondus LockDown Browser?.